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Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. február 14. 20:19 | Sorszám: 1107
Ferenc Gergely, organist - Improvisation on the old Hungarian hymn "Boldogasszony Anyánk"
Közzététel: 2014. okt. 20.

Ferenc Gergely, organist (1914-1998)

Improvisation on the old Hungarian hymn "Boldogasszony Anyánk" (Our Mother, Blessed Virgin)

Rieger Organ, Matthias Church, Budapest

Recorded circa 1985

Ferenc Gergely on Hungaroton: http://www.hungarotonmusic.com/gergely-ferenc-a3155/albums.html


István Ruppert remembers Ferenc Gergely:

It is hard to write about people who cannot be docketed. I was twenty-three years old when I started my organ studies with him – I don't think I could be as encouraging for a beginner as he was with me then. I had lessons with him every other week in different churches following the evening services. He played in several churches simultaneously, at the Franciscans' for almost seventy years. He told me later that he was the organist of the synagogue in Dohány Street for a long time, as well. I heard out his playing many times in order not to be late. As I also had been playing in churches since the age of fifteen, I knew all the hymns, though these melodies sounded in a different way, enviably beautifully. It was a great experience to listen to his harmonization, and had an incentive impact on rethinking of my weary playing of the score.

I was amazed by his unbroken optimism, especially after being partially informed about his family background. He lived among tragedies and ceaseless painful circumstances. It was only his wife who meant a safe point in his life. Most people must have given up or would have become indifferent, torn. One cannot look into others' soul or heart but in his case reasons and explanations can be many sentences from the Scriptures: '...do not worry the birds in the sky...' Sometimes he seemed to be an old-fashioned, anachronistic guy, as he kissed hands of women, as he told not any insulting comments about anybody and as he was consolation for people being said about every bits and pieces of issues, himself being broken, as well. He was separated by few or none steps from his students. Somewhere in his heart he remained a child, who always believes in the good part of others and forgets the hurtful and bad things easily. He was a man of appeasement – according to many others he never stood really hard for anything – though any polarized and one-track justice was far from him. He did the same as a teacher: showed different ways, possibilities and solutions leaving the choice to the student. (That way he ‘inherited' probably from his teacher, Zalánfy with whom he studied at the Academy of Music between 1933-1936 and 1938-1941.)

Continue reading: http://lfze.hu/nagy-elodok/-/asset_publisher/HVHn5fqOrfp7/content/gergely-fer ...
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. február 09. 14:24 | Sorszám: 1106
Cyrillus Kreek: 137. Psalm Davids / The psalm 137 of David / Taaveti laul 137
Feltöltés: 2009. jún. 18.

Cyrillus Kreek (1889-1962) - 137. Psalm Davids / The psalm 137 of David / Taaveti laul 137 (1938/1944) for mixed choir

mehr als 550 Chorwerke von Cyrillus Kreek erhältlich bei der edition 49
more than 550 choir works of Cyrillus Kreek available from edition 49


Cyrillus Kreek (1889-1962) studierte von 1908 bis 1916 am St. Petersburger Konservatorium Posaune und Komposition. Anschließend unterrichtete er unter anderem am Musikkollegium von Tartu und am Konservatorium von Tallinn. Er sammelte systematisch die Volksmusik seiner Heimat, und viele seiner Volksmelodiebearbeitungen gehören heute zum festen Bestandteil des estnischen Chorrepertoires. Seine Werke sind vielmals auf CD eingespielt.

Cyrillus Kreek (1889-1962) studied trombone and composition at the St. Petersburg Conservatory from 1908 to 1916. He then taught at the Tartu Music College and the Conservatory of Tallinn. He systematically collected the folk music of his native country, and many of his folk melody arrangements have since become part of the permanent repertoire of Estonian choral societies. Cyrillus Kreek also achieved renown as an instrumental composer with his Musica sacra, a Humoreske for orchestra, and a Suite for zithers and orchestra. His works are available on several CDs.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. február 08. 09:16 | Sorszám: 1105
György Ránki: Don Quijote y Dulcinea (1960) - Péter Pongrácz & János Sebestyén
Közzététel: 2013. dec. 30.

György Ránki (1907-1992): Don Quijote y Dulcinea (1960)

I. Andantino espressivo e rubato [00:00]
II. Allegretto grazioso e capriccioso [03:07]

Péter Pongrácz, oboe
János Sebestyén, harpsichord

Recorded 22 June 1964
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. február 07. 08:06 | Sorszám: 1104
Chausson: Poeme (Excerpt) - BBC Proms 2014
Közzététel: 2014. szept. 13.

Last Night of the Proms 2014.

Sakari Oramo conducts violinist Janine Jansen and the BBC Symphony Orchestra in an exceprt from Chausson's Poeme.

For more exclusive videos and photos from this Prom, go to:
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. február 03. 20:40 | Sorszám: 1103
Edvard Grieg: Two Nordic Melodies, Op. 63
Feltöltés: 2011. szept. 1.

Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)

Two Nordic Melodies, Op. 63 (1895)

1. I Folktonestil
2. Kulokk (8:09) & Stabbelaten (10:33)

Norwegian Chamber Orchestra conducted by Terje Tonnesen

Publisher Info.: Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d. (ca.1896)

Reprinted: Munich: Musikproduktion Höflich, 2002
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. február 02. 08:22 | Sorszám: 1102
Johann Christoph Bach (1642–1703): Meine Freundin, du bist schön (Ausschnitt) - Zsuzsi Toth
Közzététel: 2014. aug. 11.

Aus dem Konzert
Das Altbachische Archiv kehrt zurück in die Oberkirche zu Arnstadt /
Arnstadt, 08.08.2014 / im Rahmen des Bach:Sommers 2014

Zsuzsi Toth, Sopran
Susanna Ogata, Violine

The Bach Ensemble
Josua Rifkin

In die Privatwelt der Bach-Familie führt dieses große Hochzeitskonzert des als „profunden Komponisten“ angepriesenen Johann Christoph Bach. Das Werk liegt in einem größtenteils von Johann Ambrosius Bach angefertigten Stimmensatz vor; sowohl die schöne Kalligraphie als auch eine Beilage mit einer ausführlichen „Beschreibung dieses Stückes“ weisen auf ein Familienereignis von besonderer Bedeutung hin. Wie Peter Wollny (Bach-Archiv Leipzig) einleuchtend darlegt, könnte es sich dabei um die Hochzeit des „anderen“ Johann Christoph, des Zwillingsbruders Johann Ambrosius’ Bach gehandelt haben, der sich am 5. April 1679 mit Maria Elisabeth Eisentraut in Ohrdruf vermählte.

Gewiss hängt aber der Dialog nicht mit der kirchlichen Zeremonie, sondern mit einer Familienfeier zusammen – und bedenkt man, um Wollny zu zitieren, dass sich „hinter der virtuosen Violinpartie ... und der gegen Ende des Werks ‚zu Vermehrung der Freude‘ aufziehenden Musikantentruppe eine direkte Anspielung auf die Tätigkeit des Bräutigams und vermutlichen Widmungsempfängers verbirgt“, so dürfte diese Feier in Arnstadt unter Mitwirkung der Musikerkollegen des nicht zuletzt als Geiger nachgewiesenen Johann Christoph stattgefunden haben.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. február 01. 12:52 | Sorszám: 1101
Kodály: Háry János, Toborzó - Palló Imre
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. január 28. 09:50 | Sorszám: 1100
Carlo Gesualdo: Sesto libro di madrigali, XVII. Moro, lasso, al mio duolo
Feltöltés: 2010. ápr. 13.
... www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fusers.unimi.it%2F~gpiana%2Fdm6%2Fdm6g ...
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 27. 13:37 | Sorszám: 1099
Paul Hindemith: Six Chansons
Közzététel: 2014. máj. 13.

- Composer: Paul Hindemith (16 November 1895 -- 28 December 1963)
- Ensemble: SWR Stuttgart Vocal Ensemble
- Conductor: Marcus Creed
- Year of recording: 2011

Six Chansons on poems by Rilke for chorus, written in 1939.

00:00 - 1. O la biche (The Doe)
01:23 - 2. Un cygne (A Swan)
03:30 - 3. Puisque tout passe (Since all is passing)
03:56 - 4. Printemps (Springtime)
05:34 - 5. En hiver (In Winter)
06:55 - 6. Verger (Orchard)
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 24. 10:03 | Sorszám: 1098
Robert de Visée: La musique de la chambre du Roy (promo)
Közzététel: 2013. júl. 3.

Video promozionale per l'uscita del secondo volume del cd Robert De Visée - La musique de la chambre du roy" pubblicato da Brilliant Brilliant 94437

Manuel Staropoli, Recorder and Baroque Flute, Flauto Dolce e Flauto Traversiere
Massimo Marchese, Theorbo, Tiorba
Rosita Ippolito, Viola da Gamba
Manuel Tomadin, Harpsichord, Clavicembalo
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 19. 12:18 | Sorszám: 1097
Jacobus de Kerle: Missa da Pacem, Credo
Feltöltés: 2009. ápr. 17.

Missa da Pacem - Credo - Jacobus de Kerle (1531/1532 - 1591)
Huelgas Ensemble dir. Paul van Nevel (Jacobus de Kerle "Da Pacem Domine" - Messe & Motets)

Compositeur flamand, il fut élevé et éduqué au sein du monastère de Saint Martin d'Ypres. Il fut chanteur et maître de choeur, organiste et carillonneur. Selon Paul van Nevel, il rencontra Clemens non Papa. En 1550, Kerle partit pour l'Italie, autre centre majeur de la musique renaissante. Il composa les Preces Speciales pour le Concile de Trente. Après son retour à Ypres et son excommunication en 1565, il fit, comme bon nombre d'humanistes, de nombreux séjours en Europe : Belgique, Allemagne, Autrigue... il finit sa vie à Prague.

Son style musical est influencé par l'école franco-flamande des Desprez et autres Lassus (qui l'interpréta) : le style contrapuntique est typique de cette école. A ce style il intégra le style du madrigal italien tardif du XIVè siècle.
De l'oeuvre de Kerle, il ne reste quelques messes, motets, polyphonies, Il ne fut redécouvert qu'en 1913 ...
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. január 17. 13:08 | Sorszám: 1096
Bach - Stravinsky: "Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her" - Jurowski, Berliner Philharmoniker
Feltöltés: 2011. dec. 22.

Full-length concert: http://www.digitalconcerthall.com/con...
Johann Sebastian Bach: Chorale variations on "Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her" ("From Heaven above to Earth I come", arr. for choir and orchestra by Igor Stravinsky) / Vladimir Jurowski, conductor · Berliner Philharmoniker · Rundfunkchor Berlin / Recorded at the Berlin Philharmonie, 12 June 2011.
The Berliner Philharmoniker's Digital Concert Hall:
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Website of the Berliner Philharmoniker:
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 15. 15:16 | Sorszám: 1095
Nicolas Gombert: In illo tempore
Odhecaton, Bruce Dickey, Doron Sherwin, Luca Bonvini, Mauro Morini, David Yacus
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 14. 12:00 | Sorszám: 1094
G. Caccini: "Ave, Maria" - Киевский детский хор "Радость"
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 13. 12:40 | Sorszám: 1093
Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Les Plaisirs de Versailles
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 11. 20:43 | Sorszám: 1092
J. Arcadelt: Ave Maria - Hor Canticum Novum
Feltöltés: 2008. okt. 22.

Dirigent: Stefan Zekić;
Kamerni sastav hora Canticum Novum;
Festival "Horovi medju Freskama";
Atrijum narodnog muzaja, Beograd, 12. juli 2008.

Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 06. 20:59 | Sorszám: 1091
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 06. 10:06 | Sorszám: 1090
Unico Willem Reichsgraf van Wassenaer Obdam: Concerto Armonico No.6 in E flat major
I Musici de Montréal
Yuli Turovsky, conductor
Recorded in: Church of St Pierre Apotre, Montreal, 1 August 1984
... www.facebook.com/mr3bartokradio?fref=nf
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 06. 06:34 | Sorszám: 1089
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 05. 22:26 | Sorszám: 1088
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 05. 22:01 | Sorszám: 1087
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 05. 20:55 | Sorszám: 1086
Bach: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen (BWV 51)
Feltöltés: 2011. júl. 30.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, BWV 51

Emma Kirkby - Soprano
Crispian Steele-Perkins - Trumpet
English Baroque Soloists
Sir John Eliot Gardiner
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 04. 08:38 | Sorszám: 1085
G. Holst - The planets Op. 32 - Berliner Philharmoniker - H. von Karajan
Közzététel: 2013. jan. 26.

The Planets, Op. 32, is a seven-movement orchestral suite by the English composer Gustav Holst, written between 1914 and 1916. Each movement of the suite is named after a planet of the Solar System and its corresponding astrological character as defined by Holst. With the exception of Earth (the centre of all yet influentially inert astrologically, all the astrological planets known during the work's composition are represented.

From its premiere to the present day, the suite has been enduringly popular, influential, widely performed and frequently recorded. The work was not heard in a complete public performance, however, until some years after it was completed. Although there were four performances between September 1918 and October 1920, they were all either private (the first performance, in London) or incomplete (two others in London and one in Birmingham). The premiere was at the Queen's Hall on 29 September 1918, conducted by Holst's friend Adrian Boult before an invited audience of about 250 people. The first complete public performance was finally given in London by Albert Coates conducting the London Symphony Orchestra on 15 November 1920.


The work is scored for an exceptionally large orchestra:
Woodwind: 4 flutes (3rd doubling 1st piccolo; 4th doubling 2nd piccolo and a "bass flute in G", actually an alto flute), 3 oboes (3rd doubling bass oboe), an English horn, 3 clarinets in B-flat, a bass clarinet in B-flat, 3 bassoons and a contrabassoon
Brass: 6 horns in F, 4 trumpets in C, 3 trombones (2 tenor and 1 bass), a "tenor tuba" (euphonium in B-flat) and a bass tuba
Keyboards: a celesta, and an organ
Percussion: 6 timpani (2 players, 3 drums each except in "Uranus" having 4 drums for 1st and 2 drums for 2nd), a bass drum, a snare drum, cymbals, a triangle, a tam-tam, a tambourine, a glockenspiel, a xylophone, and tubular bells
Strings: 2 harps, 1st and 2nd violins, violas, cellos, and double basses
Voices: ("Neptune" only), 2 three-part women's choruses (SSA) located in an adjoining room which is to be screened from the audience.

The suite has seven movements, each named after a planet and its corresponding astrological character (see Planets in astrology):

00:00 I.Mars, the Bringer of War
07:21 II.Venus, the Bringer of Peace
15:58 III.Mercury, the Winged Messenger
20:14 IV.Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity
27:50 V.Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age
37:12 VI.Uranus, the Magician
43:15 VII.Neptune, the Mystic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Planets (Los planetas) op. 32, es la obra más conocida del compositor inglés Gustav Holst y fue compuesta entre 1914 y 1918. Es una suite de siete movimientos a cada uno de los cuales Holst le dio el nombre de un planeta (y su correspondiente deidad en la mitología grecorromana).

La obra le fue sugerida por su amigo y también compositor Clifford Bax, durante un viaje a Gibraltar en 1912. El compositor se puso a la tarea y completó la suite en los cuatro años que duró la Primera Guerra Mundial. Debemos la primera ejecución de la obra a Adrian Boult en 1918, que desde entonces se convirtió en el director favorito de Holst para esta obra. Dicha primera ejecución (de carácter privado) se debió a un "regalo" al compositor de su amigo y también compositor Henry Balfour Gardiner.

Está parcialmente inspirada por meditaciones en su propio horóscopo; trata sobre "las siete influencias del destino y componentes de nuestro espíritu". A pesar de ello, el propio Holst declaró que la obra se basaba en la significación astrológica de los siete planetas representados en ella; que no era "música de programa", que en caso de pretender encontrar un "programa", bastaba con los subtítulos de cada sección. Finalmente, declaró que "no había relación alguna con las deidades de la mitología clásica correspondientes a cada planeta.

The Planets, como reza su subtítulo, es una suite "para gran orquesta". Instrumentos nada habituales, como la flauta baja o el oboe barítono o bajo y unos nutridos efectivos de percusión (bombo, batería, platillos, Triángulo (instrumento musical), tambor militar, pandereta, gong, campanas, xilófono y glockenspiel, así como dos timbalistas) y metal (6 trompas, 4 trompetas, 3 trombones, tuba tenor y tuba bajo) forman, entre otros, la nómina de la suite. Es quizás la orquesta más grande empleada jamás por Holst.


La suite está formada por los siguientes movimientos:

1. Marte, el portador de la guerra.
2. Venus, el portador de la paz.
3. Mercurio, el mensajero alado.
4. Júpiter, el portador de la alegría.
5. Saturno, el portador de la vejez.
6. Urano, el mago.
7. Neptuno, el místico.

Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 2 | Válasz | 2015. január 03. 15:05 | Sorszám: 1084
Adoración de los Reyes Magos (el dindirindín)
Feltöltés: 2009. aug. 14.

Mateu Fletxa el Vell (Mateo Flecha el viejo, 1481-1553) - Ensalada - La Bomba
Interprete: Hespèrion XX, Jordi Savall

- villancico -

Ande, pues, nuestro apellido,
el tañer con el cantar
concordes en alabar
a Jesús rezién nascido.

- dindirindín -

Bendito el que ha venido
a librarnos de agonía.
Bendito sea este día
que nasció el contentamiento.
Remedió su advenimiento mil enojos,


Benditos sean los ojos
que con piedad nos miraron
y benditos que ansí amansaron tal fortuna.
Rendes Kis
Olvasta: 1 | Válasz | 2015. január 02. 18:08 | Sorszám: 1083
Te Deum - Pierre Cochereau
Feltöltés: 2011. máj. 24.

El nombre del órgano principal de la catedral es François.

I. Grand-Orgue
C--g3 II. Positif
C--g3 III. Récit
C--g3 IV. Solo
C--g3 V. Grand-Chœur
C--g3 Grande Pédale
C-f1 Petite Pédale
Violon Basse 16'
Bourdon 16'
Montre 8'
Viole de Gambe 8'
Flûte harmonique 8'
Bourdon 8'
Prestant 4'
Octave 4'
Doublette 2'
Fourniture 2-5 rgs
Cymbale 2-5 rgs
Bombarde 16'
Trompette 8'
Clairon 4'
Chamades :
Chamade 8'
Chamade 4'
Chamade REC 8'
Montre 16'
Bourdon 16'
Salicional 8'
Flûte harmonique 8'
Bourdon 8'
Unda Maris (co) 8'
Prestant 4'
Flûte douce 4'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Doublette 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Plein jeu 3-6 rgs
Fourniture 5 rgs
Cymbale 4 rgs
Clarinette 16'
Clarinette 8'
Clarinette 4'
Récit expressif :
Quintatön 16'
Diapason 8'
Flûte Traversière 8'
Viole de Gambe 8'
Bourdon Céleste 8'
Voix Céleste (co) 8'
Octave 4'
Flûte Octaviante 4'
Quinte 2 2/3'
Octavin 2'
Bombarde 16'
Trompette 8'
Basson Hautbois 8'
Clarinette 8'
Voix Humaine 8'
Clairon 4'
Récit classique (fo) :
Cornet 5 rgs
Hautbois 8'
Chamades :
Chamade 8'
Chamade 4'
Chamade Regale 8'
Chamade GO 8'
Chamade GO 4'
Bourdon 32'
Principal 16'
Montre 8'
Flûte harmonique 8'
Quinte 5 1/3'
Prestant 4'
Tierce 3 1/5'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Septième 2 2/7'
Doublette 2'
Fourniture 3 rgs
Fourniture 5 rgs
Cymbale 4 rgs
Cornet 2-5 rgs
Cromorne 8'
Chamade GO 8'
Chamade GO 4'
Principal 8'
Bourdon 8'
Prestant 4'
Quinte 2 2/3'
Doublette 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Larigot 1 1/3'
Septième 1 1/7'
Piccolo 1'
Plein jeu 4-6 rgs
Tuba Magna 16'
Trompette 8'
Clairon 4'
Principal 32'
Contre-Basse 16'
Soubasse 16'
Quinte 10 2/3'
Flûte 8'
Violoncelle 8'
Tierce 6 2/5'
Quinte 5 1/3'
Septième 4 4/7'
Octave 4'
Contre Bombarde 32'
Bombarde 16'
Basson 16'
Trompette 8'
Basson 8'
Clairon 4'
Bourdon 8'
Flûte 4'
Tierce 3 1/5'
Quinte 2 2/3'
Flûte 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Larigot 1 1/3'
Piccolo 1'
Fourniture 3 rgs
Cymbale 4 rgs
Sordun 16'
Chalumeau 4'
Clairon 2'
Chamade REC 8'
Chamade REC 4'
Chamade Regale 8
Chamade GO 8'
Chamade GO 4'
Joeur: Pierre Cochereau.
Tovább ...
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